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This issue of IRAE is dedicated to rebirth. And as always the attempt is to offer a new approach to the question:
"It's the end?". “This is (not) the end”

In fact, here is rebirth, which can be understood in a spiritual sense by each of us, but also rebirth from the point of view of the environment around us.

An immersion in the world of botany, on the role of plants, on their age-old uses and on their symbolism, with over 31 Italian and foreign artists who - each in their own way - testify through shots and studies to the resilience of nature, the potential of transformation and possible rebirth.

Publisher: NFC Edizioni / Publication: March 2022 / Language: Italian - English / Measurements: 28x23.5 cm / Pages: 208 / Print run: 500 copies


Editor In chief & creative director
Angelo Cricchi

Photo editor
Valeria Ribaldi

Fashion director
Simonetta Gianfelici


Digital contents production
Jordi A. Bello Tabbi

Copy editing
Lucia La Gatta

Graphic design Artiva® Design
Daniele De Batté
Davide Sossi


Surrendering to light

Michele Guido / Alice Previtali / Andrea Previtali

Plants, adapting to the sun, embody the universal reliance on light. With the leaf-light project, Michele Guido explores the relationship involving plants, luminous movement and life, delivering his personal observation ...


Jean-Marc Caimi / Valentina Piccinni

In recent years, Xylella has devastated the olive trees of Salento. Agronomists and scientists are conducting experiments with wild olive trees’ shoots resistant to the bacterium, with the aim of creating a disease-immune super-tree immune  ...


Agostino Iacurci / Giulia Caneva

The signature of plants, based on similarities with parts of the human body, echoes ancient therapeutic beliefs also correlated to the stars. This concept, present in works such as «Phytognomonica», emphasizes the connection between nature and mankind ...

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Angelo Cricchi / Jordi A. Bello Tabbi / Alberto Iacovoni / Lucia La Gatta

The labyrinth as a symbol of imprisonment as well as a paradoxical a model of liberation for artists and architects after WWII. A metaphor for transformation in the reorganization of public space ...


Marzia Messina / Sham Hinchey

A journey through the American states to reveal their geological beauty, the Apache culture, and the fight for the preservation of Saguaro, the giant cactus that can live over 200 years, exceeding 13 meters in height ...

The rest is nature

Supinatra / Patrizia Boglione

Reform mankind’s relationship with nature by the means human waste’s critique. Artist Thomas Pausz creates multimedia projects and scenarios promoting alternative ecologies, stimulating empathy towards non-human life forms ...

From above

ESA / Grazia Maria Fiore

The images included in this article are not examples of neoplasticism, but images captured by satellites of the surface of our planet, where ...

Cyanotype Impressions

Anna Atkins / Silvio Mignano

Anna Atkins, scientific photography pioneer, immortalized Ectocarpus bracheatus via cyanotype in 1843. Her images of algae turn science into art, challenging interpretations and confronting protean life ...

Erbario dell’emersione

Tiziana Cera Rosco / Cristina Costanzo

Tiziana Cera Rosco, artist and poetess, finds inspiration in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Her study explores individual metamorphosis, reflection in Nature, and the role of the artist in harmony with the natural cycle ...

The secret life of plants

Angelo Cricchi / R. E. Zapata Arias

Within a female community in the Pyrenees, healing rituals led by a shaman take place among sustainable forests. Women dance and sing for hours around a sacred bonfire, transforming the place into a magical and surreal environment ...


Angelo Cricchi / MariaGiovanna Luini / Francasca Serra

Remove the stones from everyday life. This is the symbolic ceremony for rebirth through an internal metamorphosis. Ointments, essences, and rituals to overcome rational barriers and achieve psychological and physical healing ...

I'm forest

Angelo Bellobono / Tommaso Evangelista

After a decade spent painting Apennine landscapes, and exploring the connection between painting, nature and perception, the author recalls his process of listening to, walking through and interacting with the territory ...